Monday, January 7, 2013


On November 19, 2012 I celebrated 25 years of being clean and sober.  It is amazing to me that it has been so long.  Back on that first day when I made the decision to change my life, I had no idea that my life could get so good.  At that time, I was so afraid, but also grateful to have found a ray of hope, and have caring people around me who were my strength when I had none of my own.  To this day, I am thankful for all the loving souls along my path that have helped me on my journey to health.  I have a blessed life.  I thank God for the wonderful second chance that I've been given and never take for granted how precious this life is.  My hope is that anyone who suffers from addictions can find the courage and help that they need to turn their life around.  Believe me, I know it's not easy but it is so worth the fight.  Never give up on yourself.